Your Order Management System

You need an order management concept that enables you to orchestrate central processes as well as to integrate other systems in an uncomplicated way?

From conception and implementation to deployment and maintenance, we are your competent tech partner. According to your needs, we design order management systems that adapt to your processes.

What exactly are order management systems?

When customer requirements become more complex, it's important to know that you can rely on your systems and that everything works hand in hand. But what happens when, for example, e-commerce and logistics systems are not designed to work together?

That's when order management systems come into play.

  • It serves as an intermediary between software, databases, processes and users.

  • They allow you to centrally implement and control complex processes and business rules.

  • Areas of application include ERP and store systems as well as warehouse management.

Symbolbild Order-Management

What can you do with it?


An order management system allows you to centrally define rules for how orders are fulfilled. For example, they can control which service providers are commissioned under which conditions. They also allow you to automate purchasing processes, price calculations and notifications.

Symbolbild Automation

Integration and Orchestration

Symbolbild Integration und Orchestration

Order management systems help you integrate distributed systems and connect separate processes.

They support collaboration between applications and solutions and help you avoid duplicate operations.

Interfaces with systems make it easier for you to manage processes, implement rules and logic, and monitor operations.

Learn more in our webinar!

You already know that you need an individual solution, but you still have no idea which variant is the best for you? Whether it's a platform, portal, marketplace, store or something else entirely - we'll explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different variants and help you find the right one.

Want an example?

The spare parts store

Symbolbild Ersatzteil-Shop

We created a store for ordering spare parts for the technicians of a customer in the FMCG industry.

Orders from different sources are intelligently bundled in a middleware and sent in an optimized way.

Our services in the project

📐 Architecture

Modeling, software and system architecture

💻 Programming

Creation of the backend and management interfaces of the web shop

⌨️ Integration

Integration into the customer's system landscape (SAP, warehouse, etc.)

Initial situation

The customer's technicians independently stock spare parts and other materials for maintenance and repairs. They ordered items in largely manual processes from different warehouses.


  • Provision of an internal web store for specific articles
  • Automatic reordering of articles
  • Bundling and optimization of orders
  • Create transparency about warehouse capacity and goods movements
Projekt Innovation Symbolbild

Consumer Goods (FMCG)

Projekt Kalender Symbolbild

5 months until go-live, ongoing

Projekt Kalender Symbolbild
Go Live

August 2017

Projekt Teamwork Symbolbild

Project Manager, Frontend Dev, Backend Dev, System Admin

Customers & Partners

Why wunschlösung?

What technology is behind it?

Our digital platforms must be equally reliable, scalable and flexible so that they can actively support the further development of your business model.

We achieve this with our code generators, exchangeable Java modules, components created individually for you and high-performance frontends.

To get your project up and running as quickly as possible, we have built a Whitelabel frontend that we can optionally use for your project. Thanks to universal rendering, smooth user experiences and optimal SEO compatibility are equally guaranteed.


The language of modern websites


Modern framework for robust web apps


Programming language for robust online backends


Flexible NoSQL database


Search server for fast and intelligent search


Container-System for hosting applications

Want more insight?

We'll give you a brief overview of our wunschlösung code generators and show you how we can use them quickly and efficiently to make your software dreams come true.

Want to get to know us?

Foto von Christian, unserem Gründer

Jan Christian Waitschies

Christian is one of our founders and managing directors. He is an expert in process optimization and business models.
Do you have questions about digitization and innovation? Christian is happy to share his cross-industry experience and knowledge with you.

Make an appointment now for your professional project consulting and support. We usually get back to you the same day!

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  • Or would you rather have a face-to-face conversation?

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