Where others drop the sails, we start: When standard solutions reach their limits.
As a premium partner for online business, we help companies stand out with custom web platforms and make a real difference.
Where others drop the sails, we start: When standard solutions reach their limits.
As a premium partner for online business, we help companies stand out with custom web platforms and make a real difference.
Our team is small but excellent - hand-picked, unconventional and friendly.
We combine different competences and talents and look at problems from all sides.
Get to know us - together we can crack even the hardest problems!
wunschlösung Product developer, recruiting manager, back-office heroine.
Studies in intercultural personnel development and communication management.
Globetrotter, yoga expert, office sunshine.
wunschlösung Java junkie, bug fighter, team supporter.
Studies in computer science.
Chess ace, president of the debating club, literature lover.
wunschlösung Feel-good manager, back office catalyst, recruiting sidekick.
Study of psychology.
Talented kitchen singer, audiobook fan, yoga enthusiast
wunschlösung snack manager, recruiting supporter, event planner
Study of (business) psychology
Hobby cook, movie fan, outdoor girl
wunschlösung Java developer, solution finder, multitasker
computer science student
couple dancer, gamer, photographer
wunschlösung problem finder and solver, performance perfectionist and Java developer.
Trained as an IT specialist for application development.
Enthusiastic cyclist, runner and strength athlete, nature lover and tech enthusiast.
wunschlösung Pixel perfectionist, bug hunter, protector of scalability
Studied molecular biotechnology and electrical engineering
Electronics creator, motorcycle enthusiast, 3D print enthusiast
wunschlösung Angular specialist, web designer and pixel pusher.
Studies in Web Design and Development.
Electronic music lover, DJ and producer, Factorio gamer.
wunschlösung Generator father and keeper, tech all-rounder and project juggler.
Degree in computer science with political science and economics.
Retro gamer, travel enthusiast, hobby pizza baker.
wunschlösung Codemonkey, bugfixer and future-full-stack-developer.
Bundeswehr mountain engineer, career changer and hobbyist.
Nature lover, Age-of-Empires gamer, Bavaria and Japan enthusiast.
wunschlösung Mystery.
To learn more about me, become a wunschlöserIn!
wunschlösung mascot | enthusiastic coder with too big paws | lover of all office treats
wunschlösung Digitalization & Innovation Expert | Business Development Fan | Former Strategy Implementation Consultant (Lean Six Sigma, Process Optimization & Design, Innovation & Digitalization, Facilitation, Change Management).
Dipl.-Ing. Technology Management.
Photographer, sailor, beach volleyball player.
wunschlösung backend feature developer, Java dev and bughunter
study of linguistics
Tech enthusiast, Mario Kart 64 pro, problem solver
wunschlösung mystery.
To find out more about me, become a wunschlöser!
wunschlösung marketing manager and designer (UX/UI), innovation consultant and implementer.
Degree in psychology.
Creative mind, animal fan, nerd.
Would you like to know more about Tommy? Then you can read her interview about her work and her as a person here!
wunschlösung System guardian, server maintainer, cloud master, grill and coffee specialist.
Studies in computer science.
Drone racer, retro gamer, techno DJ.
wunschlösung project juggler, overview holder, Agile Master
study of political science & sociology
Family man, PC gamer, home cinema fan
The wunschlösung was founded in January 2015 with the goal of creating a unique place where good ideas become reality and projects are fun through superior technology and fair cooperation.
In the meantime, we have offices in the best location of Jena and in the chic north of Leipzig.
We have remained true to our quality standards to this day, as well as to our personality and our individuality.
Do you want to know more? Have a look at our About Us page!
Today in the team interview: Wojciech - pixel perfectionist, bug hunter, protector of scalability
Today in an interview:
Lena - wunschlösung back office supporter, team event planner, feel-good manager
Today in the team interview: Wojciech - pixel perfectionist, bug hunter, protector of scalability
Today in the team interview:
Sebastian - Project Juggler, Keeper of the Overview and Agile Master
Today in the interview:
Christian - Digitalisation and Innovation Companion and Business Development Fan
Today in the interview:
Simon - generator father and guardian, tech all-rounder and project wrangler
Today in the team interview:
Theo - Angular Geek, Front-End Dissector and Outdoorsman
Today in the interview:
Svenja - Orga professional, office beautifier and team supervisor
Huddle. That's when our team sits together (virtually) and eats lunch with each other. But why is that? And what happens there?
28 April is World Day for Health and Safety at Work. Thomas tells us how he and wunschlösung handle these issues.
Today Max tells us about his first month at wunschlösung, how it went and what he worked on.
07 April is World Health Day. It is important for us to talk about mental health this year.
You have an idea for a project? Or another interesting request? Text us!
No matter if you have a wild idea, a specific project request or an irrepressible (but totally understandable) urge to become a wunschlöserIn …
Feel free to send us a message! We usually get back to you the same day. See you soon!