The history of wunschlösung part 2
Series: The history of the wunschlösung
In our little series, we want to give you an insight into how our founders Simon, Christian, Thomas, Carl-Gerold and Thomas got to know each other and how the founding of wunschlösung came about.
Chapter 2: "Say, do you know where the lecture hall is?"
"Hi, I'm Thomas. Say, do you know where the computer science lecture hall is?" Literally the first person Thomas ran over on his way to the first lecture was Simon. As luck would have it, they not only had to attend the same lecture, but were also studying the same thing. Computer science.
As it would later turn out, Simon's run with friendships that are formed on the first day continued with Thomas. In addition to lectures, seminars and study projects together, the two also started a student job together. First directly at the venerable Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and later at an IT spin-off of the computer science faculty. In both cases, they developed applications for students.
In the course of their studies, the two set up a shared flat. An excellent opportunity for "drinks-based" discussions about ideas and projects. One evening, Simon invited an "old friend" over. That's how Thomas and Christian got to know each other. None of the three can or want to remember more than "there was probably wine and a lot of laughter". They stayed in touch and met from time to time.
After graduating, Simon and Thomas started working in different areas at a large e-commerce company. Simon as a project manager in development with a focus on the internationalisation of software applications and international software roll-outs. Thomas also worked in development as a task force expert for rapid prototyping - i.e. software projects that need to be implemented quickly to test feasibility or possible approaches.
One thing always struck them in their projects: Trying out ideas for web applications, portals, online platforms, shops, etc. was extremely time-consuming. Especially if you wanted to develop this idea later into a scalable and high-performance application without having to throw everything away and restart it.
There had to be more to it. The idea was born: "To be able to try out cool online ideas faster." And if they fly, not have to redevelop everything to be able to scale them.
But how? After all, others were using good technologies, had good teams and were also trying not to wantonly extend the time-to-market - the time from idea to market.
What would the perfect application architecture have to look like in order to get online applications such as marketplaces, forums, portals and the like up and running quickly and yet flexibly and scalably?
Not only large companies, but also small and medium-sized enterprises or start-ups could benefit from this.
Many drinks and flat-sharing evenings later, it crystallised out: a tool was needed to get code as output faster and not have to write everything by hand. Simon and Thomas knew the approach of having programming code generated automatically from university and the spin-off. So they started developing code generators for online applications after work and on weekends. The goal was to automate things that were needed again and again in software projects. To avoid copying code from old projects or having to start from scratch again and again. In any case, to be able to "cast" ideas into online applications more quickly and put the time saved into cool features for the users.
In the next part of our series, you will find out how the company was finally founded. Stay tuned.
More of this series: The history of the wunschlösung
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